The humit Culture Code

3 min readApr 8, 2021


“You can hold a ballet and that can be successful and you can hold a rock concert and that can be successful. Just don’t hold a ballet and advertise it as a rock concert. You need to be clear with all of your stakeholders and then people get to self-select in.”
- Warren Buffet

Our Purpose

We exist to bring joy to people’s lives by building breakthrough and innovative products. We do that by challenging the status quo and doing the unthinkable. We have a strong desire to see a better world, one where the human consciousness is evolving in the right direction. Our products & business serve this mission.

Building something new, something different, making anything innovative requires the ability to surrender to the unknown. The humit Code outlines how we envision our culture, a guide to help us navigate through this unknown to build incredible products. Think of humit like a Friends’ Radio.

Our Values

1. Challenge Status Quo 🧑🏻‍💻

How do we think?
We promote a workplace culture where we expect people to keep asking ‘why’. Confirmation bias often forces people to limit their views to conventional thinking. Being young and tenacious allows us to ask bold questions and think in first principles. At humit, we’re on the lookout for folks who are passionate to be heard but do it with grace. We fight like we’re right and listen like we’re wrong.

2. Pro Sports Team (vs Rock Band) ⚽️

How do we operate?
We do not hire rockstars. Most rock bands are dysfunctional. humit is not a place where it’s one guy writing the songs with the rest of the members following his cues. Hiring for us is more like drafting a soccer team. Each of us plays to our strengths and relies on our peers for theirs, just like a soccer team. We default to trust and give the benefit of the doubt wherever possible. We’re driven by results, the process, and nothing else. Coach, don’t manage is our mantra.

3. Craft for Delight 🔮

How do we build?
We are in constant pursuit to invoke delight in our users and make their day just a little bit better. Products aren’t just lines of code, they’re instruments of change, triggers of emotion. We understand that great craftsmanship lies at the root of all inventions and immensely respect the creative process. We see failure as an important part of building something new as long as it yields insight.

4. Keep Unlearning ✍🏻

How do we evolve?
We’re never done learning. We have the quest to improve every single day and have the discipline for continuous self-improvement. We believe there is no finish line, there is no having made it. We understand that comfort is not the ultimate objective and do whatever it takes to obliterate complacency. We look for the best answers and not just the ones in our heads.

The key qualities that we look for in our team members are humility, hunger, and hustle. Almost everything else follows. If this sounds like you, we are currently on the lookout for core team members and interns across engineering, growth & marketing to join our ranks, not defined by their discipline, rather by their unique and varied experiences, style, and points of view. You can be an artist, an engineer, an inventor, or a scholar — in any combination — as long as you make things happen. Motivation and impact are key!




Making music social again, humit is a social media app for music sharing and discovery. For more details, visit: